Saturday, August 25, 2012

Scone Party With My Bffs!!

These are some pics of my awesome back to school scone party yesterday with some of my Bffs...:)
Back to school scone party with my friends!! Abbie, Jessie, Bekah, Mack, and Me!

Awkward Pic of me and Mack:)

                          Bekah and Mack helping roll the dough(Kind of..)

Okay so we had a scone making contest to see who could make the best looking scone...this is what we came up with:)

Jessie's scone

Abbie's Scone (Notice the smiley face:)

My Scone:) Very messy..

Mack's scone Very small...

So bekah dared me to shove my whole scone in to my mouth at once...she did the same...It was super funny:) Videos coming soon:)

Okay so after we ate all of the scones we watched my favorite movie of all time Enchanted...and me and Bekah had a sit up contest to work 'em off....Video Coming soon:)

Wednesday, August 22, 2012



Okay...So i just got back from a camping trip...At Lagoon!!! It was sooo much fun!! We spent 12 whole hours at the park yesterday! We went on all of the rides at least once. But my all time favorite Wicked...we went on it 5 or 6 times in a row!! It was so awesome!

Happy birthday Zoie!!

Happy Birthday To my favorite sister in Chicago!!
Love you!

Monday, August 20, 2012

Highlights of The best summer Ever :D

My sister Erika and her Horse Char:)

Quin(My sister) And my tea party! It was awesome:)
We drank Rootbeer, Grape soda, and Bacon soda...(Below)

Okay..So...this one is a long story.....Quin and I love to experiment with weird food and when we saw this at the store we had to try it....long story was the grossest thing i have ever tried in my life...It was like drinking carbonated bacon grease...I dont recommend it...Ever!

But....I collect glass soda bottles so it was a good addition to my collection:)

Some of my 25 bottle caps:P

I LOVE PacMan!!!!
I saw this at pirate O's And Absolutely had to get it!! I went back the next day and got the whole set...Including the red and blue ghosts, and Pacman.
They are tins full of case you were wondering:)

My New Absolute Favorite Song!!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

The reason for my blog!

So the reason i built this blog was so that i could Make covers of my favorite songs so that people could hear them:) I play 4 i wanted to make covers of me playing all of them:) My first cover should be here pretty soon:) And if you have any ideas for songs you want me to do let me know:)


This is the best summer yet! I have done so much fun stuff and meet so many new and amazing people. One of my favorite trips this summer was to a wonderful place called Oakcrest!! It was so amazing and i learned so much! It was such an amazing experience to go up there, and im looking forward to next year. My counsler "Sharkbait" Was so amazing and made it 10x better. While I was up there I went on a zip lines, did archery, a foam slide, went on a hike and so much other awesome stuff:) Im so grateful for those amazing trips, and the amazing people that i get to meet on the way:)